Villa Mirabilia
Villa Mirabilia
Villa Mirabilia ... Designed by Nora Corbett. Size: 17"x 24" (43.8 x 61cm). A Counted Cross Stitch Design complete with pattern, superb 28ct. fabric, threads & Beads. "Villa Mirabilia" is a classical large design! Very few designs come along like this as copies from the age of when Ladies dressed in such grace & splendor during the Victorian era with such detail, they become so appealing that the design becomes a collector edition, and are sought after when available. The color & detail in the gown are so eye-catching that it is hard to keep your eyes off the picture. A detailed cross stitch with an old-time flavor that you will cherish all your life. The design is delightfully detailed with blended colors & specially chosen for serious stitches 28ct. Tea-dyed fabric. Limited Charts Available!
Counted Cross Stitch comes complete with the following:-
- 28ct. Tea Dyed Satin Linen Fabric.
- 100% Carded Cotton Embroidery Floss.
- #24 Needle. Mill Hill Beads, two varieties.
- Very Large Easy-to-Read Chart.
- Fully Illustrated Easy-to-Read Instructions.